Thursday, July 24, 2008

Take Three

take three little children

5 years old

their sweet heads full

of childish thoughts

take three little 5 year olds

attending their schools

three different schools

one Christian, one Jew, one Muslim

teach them religion

teach them each has a god

teach them

three different versions of the one god


with three holy books

all three

black & white urging revenge

urging genocide

on each 'other'


with the word of god

your god

“you are the chosen people”

“all others are your enemy”

“this is your land”

teach this

to 3 little children from age 5

'til they reach 17

teach them for 12 years

3 different versions of the one god

and when they've grown

you have the seeds for religious war

you have them primed for religious war

you have




'just war'

'pre-emptive defence'

'god is on our side'

separation is separation

separation is division

separation is no empathy with the 'other'

only unity is integration

unity leads to empathy

call loudly for

no religion in schools

work for future unity

for secular schools – no religion -

give children space to flourish


secular schools – no religion -

place all children equal

all children united

all children in empathy


for peace sake


Pamela Sidney 2008 (22.1.08)

Idiot Evangelical Preachers

the more we experience these weirdos

who dredge up, promote everything

from finding Noah’s Ark

to Sodom & Gomorrah

we must ask

these ultru-rightist US fundamentalists

‘who are they in the pay of ?'


who call themselves christian-zionists

so desperate to prove

every bible myth historical fact

they are ‘flat-earthers’

who believe Genesis to the letter

that earth was made in 6 days

only 4,000 years ago


who fear the word evolution

so greatly

they dedicate their lives

to discrediting science

they promote in every high school

their theory - ‘creative intelligence’

they build Disney-like museums

depicting old testament myths

brainwashing future generations


we live in strange times

when ‘anything’ is believed

from 'Armageddon' to 'miracles' to 'god'

it would be a laugh

if they weren't so dangerous

these idiots

taken so seriously by Bush

they determine, along with Israel

America’s Middle East

foreign policy

all of them mongering for war

pushing ‘the powers that be’

"to nuke Iran now"

who approve of quicker starvation

of faster genocide for the Palestinians

right now

the most dangerous people on our planet

Bush - being one of them -

will Obama continue his policies ?

Pamela Sidney 4.2.08

Anxious for Armageddon

(the craziest people on our planet -

American Evangelical Fundamentalists)

America’ s built a 'creation museum'

to promote their latest version of 'creationism'

it’s new name -

'Intelligent Design'

all this

to let ‘god’ in by the back door

to surreptitiously keep ‘his’ presence

in science, biology, evolution studies

to keep you keep believing

'god made everything'

that evolution is not true

(in fact)

they want you to believe

evolution is absolute ‘evil'

America’s ‘disney’ creation museum

cost $33 million dollars

meticulously designed

to keep all Americans believing


in the ark, adam & eve

the great flood, virgin birth

and above all & most important

that our planet was created

in just 6 days, 4000 years ago

nearly 50% of all Americans

actually believe the old testament literally

it’s creation myth, it’s Armageddon

in fact the ‘extremists’ intend

to absolutely obey

it’s genocide recommendations

it’s sanction of war against the ‘other’ (all enemies)

it’s slaughter of ‘unbelievers’

every kind of mayhem and butchery

and they are salivating at the thought

I can almost feel sorry for these cretins

who can’t wait for the apocalypse

but I wonder if they’re ‘green’ -

if they can ever join (with heart)

the fight against global warming

while they wait so desperately

for the world to end in flaming ruin

while they are so anxious

for Armageddon to begin

(in the Middle East of course)

truth is

how can they really care

to reduce their carbon footprint

when all they want is to be rid

of all the ‘unbelievers'

impatient for disaster to fall

for a ‘messiah’ to ‘save them’

for their rapid ascension to heaven

via a celestial transport system

called ‘the rapture’

now let’s get it clear

nearly 100 million Americans

(like their president)

are 'born-again Christians'

they believe George when he said

'god told me to invade Iraq'

and I wonder

will ‘god’ tell George to nuke Iran

(before he leaves office of course)

George, going out with a big bang

endearing himself to the ‘neocons’

George finally does it !

bombs those nasty Persians

(poets ‘n’ all)

an illegal president (he DID steal it)

who, ‘tis rumoured,

before he rose to office


and I’m thinking -

supposing he did graduate

he must have fiddled things ‘big-time’

at Yale Uni to ‘pull off' his 'graduation'

he, multi-millionaire

by inheritance and oil

prior to his ‘presidency’

had never thought to grow wings

all that earthly wealth

& he wasn’t even curious enough

to see the rest of the world

(the cocaine must have been sufficient)

but enough said of George’s ‘brain’

so sail on 'Intelligent Design'

sold !

(NO PROBABLY FREE when you think of it)

coming to all of us gratis

via George’s intellectually handicapped

fundamentalists furiously fast-pedalling

right this minute mailing DVDs

to every science class-room Australia-wide

DVDs to demonise evolution

coming to you

yankee ‘flat-earth’


‘god’ propaganda

'Intelligent Design'


to keep you ‘believing’

and definitely



Pamela Sidney 2007 (May approx)


who is the violence coming from ?

not atheists

as the old tales tell

violence comes

from ‘the believers’ in god

or whatever holy book they follow

Torah – Talmud, Koran, Old Testament

violence follows words of hatred

cherry-picked from sacred texts

each holy book preaches

hatred of the ‘other’


violence, murder, genocide

these ancient texts

written down by not one

but many many scholars

down the centuries

writing words translated later

purported to be

the ‘word of god’

writing texts

expanded, embroidered, censored

messed around with


still said to be the ‘word of god’

I say again

violence in this world


not from atheists

but from the

'believers in god'

always has

always will

Pamela Sidney 2007 (November)

why atheism ?

(in answer to an email criticizing atheists -

with all the old hackney’d cliché’s)

your history lesson suggests to me

you are saying
'you're either with us or against us'


not part of any past
oppressive revolution

no belief system
no bigots do I admire
in the company of good

clear-thinking humans
caring the balm
living the 'here-and-now'
bound to no concocted

mind abundant, heart independent
thoughts buoyant

dissent the joy
a laughing



& proud

i hope - like you...still exploring

Pamela Sidney 5.2.08

The Night the Book Club

Discussed God

what a disappointment

you were that night Germaine

can it be you can’t throw off your ‘god guilt’

the convent girl who climbed and fled

the concrete walls of blind belief

or, is it just jealously ?

the boys got to the god subject first

by the boys I mean:

Christopher Hitchens' 'Atheist Pocket Book'

Michel Onfray's 'Atheist Manifesto'

but this night the book club reviewed

Richard Dawkins' ‘The God Delusion’

a really important brilliant book

(in my opinion)

I was expecting

a powerful fantastic discussion

but the panel were a bunch of 'wimps'

and all you could say of the great work was

and I quote:

“ he talked about god too much”


I adored you in the sixties

you’ve been a hero ever since

but all you could utter

was that trite statement

you the anarchist

the ultimate revolutionary

'he talked about god too much'

I feel sorry for you Germaine

still locked into religious guilt

but how can it be ?

I thought your brilliant mind

had transcended

those tight little religious boxes

the nuns tried to put you in

come back to us

be restored

I still want you

my favorite intellectual

it doesn't matter that the boys beat you to it

I want to hear what you've got to say

about ‘god not existing’

it's really important

go on Germaine

write about it

please -

if you’re game !

Pamela Sidney 3.3.08